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Home Buying Steps


MEET YOUR real estate agent
A good buyer agent listens to you, understands your needs, helps you navigate the home buying process and finds the right home for you. Purchasing a home is a huge financial decision. You need a trusted agent by your side guiding you through each step of the way.


Get your finances in order
This is an important step in the home buying process. Make sure you have a good credit score and a steady income. You should also get pre-approved for a mortgage so you know how much you can afford to borrow.


Start your house hunting
Once you know how much you can afford, start looking for the homes. Your agent will guide you to narrow down the criteria, focus on right neighborhoods and homes.


Make an offer
When you find a home you love, you'll need to make an offer. Your real estate agent will help you price the offer and negotiate with the sellers.


Disclosures & inspections
Before you close on the deal, it's important to get home, roof, termite inspections and review all the disclosures. This will help you identify any potential problems with the home.


Close the deal
Once everything is agreed upon, you'll sign the final paperwork to close the deal.

Congratulations! You're now a homeowner.

Move in and enjoy your new home!
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Get Started Today

Contact us for your next real estate transaction needs. You will be delighted with our first-class service and results.